Jooyoung Lee
Subtext #1-7, 2004
Spray paint
Variable dimensions

Jooyounglee, Øystein Assan and Jan Christensen
Politically Encoded Suface(Korean version), 2004
Spray paint
370 x 950 cm

Installation view: Studio, Chandong (MMCA) Seoul, 2004

New #1-2, 2005
Spray paint on wall,
Dimensions variable,
Subtext #5, "anything for the right pace",
Spray-paint on paper 789 x1091mm
Installation view: Past/Present/Forever (curated by Jan Christensen), Buia Gallery, New York, 2005

New #2, 2005
Spray paint on paper, 789 x1091mm

Subtext #3 (Korean version), 2005
"You are always in hurry hurry, where are they hurrying to, they are hurrying to love"
Spray paint on paper 789 x1091mm
Spray paint on t-shirt in selected colors with black and white.

Subtext #5(Korean version), 2005
"Anything for the right price"
Spray-paint on paper 789 x1091mm.





New #1-2, Subtext #5

New #2  

Subtext#3(Korean version)  

Subtext#5(Korean version)  

Subtext #5 (English version)