<철원기념비 #3: 제2금융조합>은 민간인 통제 구역 안에 ‘구철원 제2금융조합 건물모형’을 기념비처럼 재배치한 작업이다. 작품은 과거 철원에서 생산되는 농산물 품질을 검사했고, 북한정권하에서는 반공인사를 색출하고 취조한 곳으로 악명 높았던 장소, 평소에는 개방이 되지 않았던 장소인 농산물검사소에 전시된다. 식민지 시대 유적지나 잊혀지거나 버려졌던 지역 신화의 유적지를 ‘활용’하는 작가의 <환상부동산> 프로젝트와 연계된 작업으로, 분단 이후 도시의 기능이 사라진 구철원에 남아있는 제국주의의 흔적, 근대 문화유적지에 설치된다. 범죄나 억압으로부터 ‘자유로운’ 건축을 상징하는 이 모형 – 작가는 이것을 ‘썩어가는 콘크리트 기념비’로 부르는데 – 은 참여자의 글쓰기 퍼포먼스와 결합된다. 그리고 특정 사건을 재현하는 것이 아니라, 힘과 자본을 거스르는 기념비의 완성을 축하하는 퍼포먼스는 중재되지 않은 억제된 과거에 반응하는 ‘노스탤지어’가 된다.

강원도 철원, 비무장지대 접경지역

Monuments of Cheorwon#3: Financial Cooperative No. 2, 2013, styrofoam, plaster, paint, square wooden platform, signboard, markers, 3000 x 4430 x 1660 mm, vinyl cut text on MDF board: 1224 x 2440 mm, 2013
Vinyl Cut Text Design: Studio Gute Form

Monuments of Cheorwon #3: Financial Cooperative No. 2 is the outcome of Jooyoung Lee’s efforts to rearrange ‘a model of the Financial Cooperative No. 2 ‘ located within the area where civilian passage has been restricted. The venue used to exhibit this work in Cheorwon had previously been used as an inspection office for agricultural products, and was notorious for its role in the hunting down and interrogation of those suspected of being anti-Communism dissidents. As such it had been a space where visitors had been forbidden. Another of Lee’s recent projects, Fantasy Real Estate Agency, worked with sites that had been forgotten or abandoned, once sacred places imbued with local myth or lying in ruins since colonial times. This work has much in common with that project, being installed in a space where traces of this history of imperialism remain, as well as Cheorwon itself, which was stripped of its ability to function as a city after Korea was divided. The model that has been created symbolizes an architecture that is free from crimes or suppression – the artist refers to this as ‘a decaying concrete monument’. A space has been made available alongside the model for the viewer’s written participation. This commemorates the monument’s ability to resist the tides of power and capital, rather being a memorial to a specific event, and it serves as a form of ‘nostalgia’ responding to a suppressed and undisturbed past.

다른 사람과 동시에 훌라후프를 돌린다
Twirl the hula hoop simultaneously with another person
Hula hoops 1700 mm diameter, vinyl cut text on MDF board 1224 x2440 mm, 2013

Vinyl Cut Text Design: Studio Gute Form

한국 지도
United Shape of Korea, 2013
Water Colour on paper, 7850 x 5460 mm
이 지도는 리얼 디엠지 프로젝트 2013 청소년 워크숍 참여자:
주원경 Wone Kyung Joo,
김다빈 Kim Da Bin,
최승아 Seung Ah Choi,
전현지 Hyun ji Jun,
정소이 Alex Jeong 와 함께 진행되었습니다.

Border area near the DMZ, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwondo

Curatorial Essay by Sunjung Kim

Twirl the hula hoop simultaneously with another person, 2013

hula hoops 1700mm diameter, vinyl cut text on MDF board 1224x 2440mm


Monuments of Cheorwon #3:Financial Cooperative No.2, 2103

철원 기념비 #3"제2 금융조합, 2013 Monuments of Cheorwon #3


styrofoam, plaster, empty signboard markers 4900 xx2810x1520mm





Real DMZ Proejct 청소년 워크샵