북한에서의 환상의 레지던시:뚜껑을 제발 열지 마세요. 항아리가 비어 있습니다.
전시:고래 시간의 잠수자, 국립극단 소극장 판, 서울 2011
퍼포머:김정복, 펠릭스박, 정용하

Fantasy Residency in North Korea:Please don’t take off the lids. The pots are empty,
is part of the exhibition: The Whales Time Diver at The National Theater Company of Korea Pan, Seoul 2011
Performer: Jeongbok Kim, Felix Park, Yong Ha Jeong

For more information onThe Whales Time Diver at The National Theater Company of Korea Pan

Book Launching performance edition of 100 free-book, detail

Book Launching Performance Photo: Oh Suk Kuhn

Book Launching Performance Photo: Oh Suk Kuhn